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Maurice Brown 458102
Yakima County Jail
P.O. Box 96777
Las Vegas, Nevada 89193

*** Mail must first go to a central mail processing facility at the above address to curb the introduction of mail contraband. Maurice is incarcerated in Washington.

Thank you for taking notice and stopping to read my ad, because now you've opened the doors to see that I'm just as beautiful on the inside as I am on the outside. At least that's what my mom tells me, and moms are always right, so let me introduce myself.

My name is Maurice. I'm 5'10", 215lbs of chocolate, muscle, and heavily tattooed. I'm looking for some good, mind stimulating conversation that hopefully leads to building a bond. I'm very fluent, easy to talk to, and I'm a good listener. I'm also a Libra, which means I bring balance, and that's what makes me compatible with just about anyone.

While I'm in here, I like to workout, read anything educational, watch the news, reflect on my mistakes so I don't make them again, and grow closer to God. When I'm free, I work hard to play hard baby. Some of my hobbies are; I love to dress, and I'm a shoe connoisseur so I love to shop. Cologne, mens hygiene products, I gotta have it all and nothing but the best. One of my other loves is the casino. I absolutely love the atmosphere. I like to travel and I also like to enjoy sitting down at a nice restaurant.

How about you? What are you looking for and what are you hoping to get out of this? You came here looking for something, and that something is probably me. So treat yourself and write me so we can get acquainted.

Date of Birth: 9-25-77
Height: 5'10"
Education: College
Occupation before prison:
Earliest Release Date: TBD
Maximum Release Date: TBD
Would you like letters from both sexes: Women
(This does not refer to sexual orientation)  
Can you receive email: No
If yes, which service:
Can you respond to email:
Activities in prison: School, exercise, mentorship, and worship
Anything else:

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