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Tyler Lopez 22230567
Oregon State Correctional Institution
3405 Deer Park Dr SE
Salem, Oregon 97310
First things first, I promise I’m not a tool-bag! I’m sure that thought may have crossed your mind seeing one of my pictures. Actually, the opposite, I am bad at taking pictures so I had to mess around a bit! I am an aspiring songwriter, sports fanatic, bass player, and someone who loves to listen. This can be listening to music or to your bad day.
I am looking for someone to call a friend and be a friend to. I am non-judgmental, open, and I hope you are too. I workout consistently and have always been into taking care of my body. I’ve always been an athlete. I will be getting my bachelors degree come the end of June after 4 1/2 years of hard work. This world is a crazy, messed up place. We’ve all messed up here and there. Some more than others (hint hint). But the true value in my opinion is the ability to accept that and move towards progress and change everyday.
I would love more than anything the chance to show someone my progress and change. In here that chance is rare, I would love the opportunity to show that people can change. I can also be whatever you need. Whether that’s a sound board after a rough day, someone to talk music with (yes please!) or simply just laughing buddies. We all need someone, no matter where we’re at. Take a chance, you just never know what could happen.
Date of Birth: 3-10-95
Height: 5'9"
Education: College
Occupation before prison: Waiter
Earliest Release Date: 4-27-2057
Maximum Release Date: 4-27-2059
Would you like letters from both sexes: Yes
(This does not refer to sexual orientation)
Can you receive email: Yes
If yes, which service: Getting out app
Can you respond to email: Yes
Activities in prison: Work in print shop, college, music, sports and cooking
Anything else: Don’t be intimidated by long sentence, I’m more than that!
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