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Travis Brown 1533240
Green Rock Correctional Center
P.O.Box 1000
Chatham, Virginia 23451

Hi, to whom may be reading this right now, this is new to me and maybe for you too, but I ask that you give me an honest chance. I know most guys probably are up here looking to find love, or looking for hand outs. Me, I'm honestly just trying to be someone's friend, if love comes then it comes. People skip really getting to know someone. I've been locked up since I was 18. A mistake I whole heart regretted, but we make mistakes and learn from them. I just wanna show someone that the boy I was isn't the man I am now. I'm very understanding, nonjudgemental ,outgoing, and easy to talk to.

I love deep down to earth talks, I love music, art, poetry, ect. I don't mind taking the time to listen. As time goes on, I thought what harm will it do to put myself out there? I would never know if I never try. I can promise that you won't be disappointed that you met me!!! Please don't be shy or second guess yourself, there's nothing wrong with taking a leap of faith. Faith brought me here, faith that something good and honest will come my way, so do reach out.

Date of Birth: 9-7-93
Height: 5'11"
Education: Trade in Water/Fire restoration & high school diploma
Occupation before prison:
Earliest release date: 2032
Maximum release date: 2034
Would you like letters from both sexes? Women
(This does not refer to sexual orientation)
Can you receive email: Yes
If yes, which service: JPay
Can you respond to emails: Yes
Activities in prison: Peer coordinator, tattoo artist, rec manager
Anything else:
Part fluent in Spanish, Mandarin, French

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