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Terry Welch 1461060
Wallens Ridge State Prison
1052 Dogwood Dr
Big Stone Gap, Virginia 24219

First and foremost, let me state the obvious, yes I am incarcerated but I haven’t allowed my circumstances to defined the man I am or hinder the boss I’ve involved into. I’m a entrepreneur with huge interest into cyber security, holistic medicine, and physical/mental health training as well teaching.

I’m looking to create organic friendships with a foundation built from trust, loyalty, vernerability, and all around fruitfulness. At the very least, I would like to network with like minded individuals who seek to gain success and prosperity. I’ve been in my current situation since 2012. I now have 1-2.5 years left on my sentence. I’ll save the more personal and intimate information for those who reach out. I’m excited to meet new people and see where this goes.

Please sign up on my JPay email account! All you need to sign up is to go to JPay.com and use my name and state number this will be a more faster and efficient way to communicate with me. Please attach pictures separately from emails! Takes longer for me to recieve emails with pictures attached to them! I’m currently incarcerated in Va/Doc.

Date of Birth: 4-28-94
Height: 6'
Education: High school diploma
Occupation before prison: Entrepreneur
Earliest release date: Feb. 2024
Maximum release date: Feb. 2026
Would you like letters from both sexes? Women
(This does not refer to sexual orientation)
Can you receive email: Yes
If yes, which service: JPay
Can you respond to emails: Yes
Activities in prison: Reading, working out, working, religion
Anything else:
When sending emails, send email and pictures separate and I’ll get them a lot faster

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