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Sonny Bray 144
Reno County Correctional Facility
1800 S Severance
Hutchinson, Kansas 67501
Hi everyone! I would appreciate friendship, support, and kindness. I am fighting cases I am not guilty of, and throughout have had most all those who said they cared and would be there leave and care less. I feel alone, like all hope is gone and I live with loneliness and sadness everyday. I am kind, genuine, honest and the most loyal person you will ever know. I'm a leader, compassionate and understanding. A writer, artist and talented in many ways.
I'm the person if you need a friend, I'll be your best. And if you're down, I'll do my best to cheer you up. I ask whoever reads this if you're a person who's kind, caring and genuine too, please take the time and you'll meet a person that will put you first. But first you have to reach out to me. I guarantee that small act of kindness will mean the world to me and will be worth it.
To write a physical letter: Sonny Bray 1800 S Severance Hutchinson, KS 67501 To email or msg/video Sonny Bray visit: https://team3.inmatecanteen.com No approval process needed, just set up an acct and contact me directly. It will ask what county I am in, it is Reno County.
Date of Birth: 10-10-78
Height: 6'1"
Education: GED, some college
Occupation before prison:
Earliest Release Date: 7-2025
Maximum Release Date: 10-2030
Would you like letters from both sexes: Women
(This does not refer to sexual orientation)
Can you receive email: Yes
If yes, which service: Inmate Canteen team 3
Can you respond to email: Yes
Activities in prison: Poetry, Art, Positive growth
Anything else: fighting charges I am not guilty of
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