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Son Tran #1306208
Memorial Unit
P.O. Box 660400
Dallas, Texas 75266-0400
Somewhere along life’s journey I slipped and fell through the cracks of society and landed on Texas Death Row.
Each day I was blessed with another day I’d treasure and take advantage of. This kind of forward-thinking unexpectedly foreshadowed the foundation of my future. In 2005, my life was spared, and I recognized the hands of a greater authority; my life’s purpose was unfulfilled.
After surviving over two decades in prison, confinement of my body has still not extended to my mind or spirit. However, time has a way affecting even the strongest of us and we experience a heightened sense of being alone. It’s times like these that having a friend to write can push back the dark edges of aloneness.
But who am I?
Hello! My name is Son Tran. I am of Vietnamese descent. I have a positive forward thinking attitude. I know how to smile and laugh. I am passionate about martial arts – it’s beauty, principles, and applicability of the discipline to my life. I enjoy training and exercising using various methods, particularly tai chi. I’m an avid reader, enjoy a wide range of genres. I love to learn new things and I constantly challenge myself to do so.
I am willing to correspond with people within the states and abroad. My aim is to meet people, network, and form friendship. I’d like to learn more about other cultures, heritages, and customs.
I would love to hear from you and forge our friendship today. In friendship, the possibilities are endless.
Son Tran
P.S. If you send a securustech.net email or write directly, please enclose your mailing address. I cannot send emails.
Date of Birth: 5/11/1980
Height: 5’9”
Earliest Release Date: N/A
Maximum Release Date: N/A
Would you like letters from both sexes? Both
(This does not refer to sexual orientation)
Education: AAS Degree
Occupation before prison: Labor
Activities in prison: Peer Educator, College Tutor
Can you receive and send emails: Can receive via securustech.net
Anything Else? Aside from corresponding in the English language, I am willing to correspond in the Spanish and Vietnamese language as well.
Notice: To verify all or some of the information
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