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Shon Yokely H70781
Richard J. Donovan Correctional Facility
480 Alta Road
San Diego, California 92179
I'm going live with these new photos I just took to let my family and friends see I'm taking good care of myself mentally, physically, and financially. I have also been deep in the books learning a better way to live my life, and to make a living legally as I prepare for parole hopefully next year. It all starts with me getting naked with myself, and facing my flaws which we all have, but some don't have the courage, and wisdom to identify and correct them to grow.
I'm innocent of my commitment offense, but I was living my life in unhealthy ways to satisfy my greed, and when you dance with the devil, things happen, but I grew through this experience and still have a future. I'm witty, assertive, generous, supportive, respectful, and can clearly articulate my desires with honesty, being that I'm self sufficient.
I'm currently single, but do have standards, and healthy boundaries not to sabotage the growth within me. So brains and beauty are a must to get my attention. I have been called too picky to be in jail, and I will wear that hat with pride, because honest means more to me.
Here is how to reach me: You can either send me a letter via snail mail, which I will get in about five days, or you can reach out to me immediately be email. You have to set up an account through gettingout.com. You just enter my name, booking #H70781, and my institution, RJD. Then you will show up in my contacts. I have a personal tablet which allows me to email, video chat and place Free Calls to anywhere!
Date of Birth: 2-7-1969
Occupation before prison:
Earliest Release Date: 2026
Maximum Release Date:
Would you like letters from both sexes: Women
(This does not refer to sexual orientation)
Can you receive email: Yes
If yes, which service: GettingOut.com
Can you respond to email: Yes
Activities in prison:
Anything else:
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