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Roshia Harris 745465
Central Michigan Correctional Facility
320 N Hubbard st
St. Louis, Michigan 48880
To introduce you to Roshia (pronounced Ro-Shay). I'm 23 years old from Flint, Michigan. I would describe my self as a family oriented guy, I put the people I care for happiness above mine. I love music, like I can listen to music all day and not a specific genre. I have an old soul, so most of the time I'd rather listen to 80s/90s music because they have meanings in them. My hobbies are reading, working out, and playing basketball here and there. I read self- help books, and autobiography books.
I want to meet career and goal driven people, that's the type of people I want to surround myself with. I've been alive for 23 years, but once I get out I want to actually live. A lot of people don't know it's a difference in the two, so with that being said, if you want to build a bond or even just learn more about me, you can get in contact with me. I'm open to a completely platonic relationship as well.
The best way to get ahold of me is through jpay, that's an app you can download on your phone, my JPay is 745465.
Date of Birth: 12-22-2001
Height: 6'
Occupation before prison:
Earliest Release Date:
Maximum Release Date:
Would you like letters from both sexes: Yes
(This does not refer to sexual orientation)
Can you receive email: Yes
If yes, which service: JPay
Can you respond to email: Yes
Activities in prison:
Anything else:
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