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Richard Faulks J87236
Mule Creek State Prison
P.O. Box 409060
Ione, California 95640-9089

Thanks for viewing my profile

Its a SUPER honor to have your attention. Close friends and family refer to me as "Rich". I'm turned up and out here extending my hand unto all. In sincere friendship. Maybe more =).

Seeking to be turned on to some smooth, kool, nerdy, unique, insightful, altogether perfectly imperfect persons. To share some laughs, giggles, insights, triumphs, & failures. All done while simultaneously having a smile on each of our faces =). They have me bundled and barricaded here at Mule Creek State Prison in Ione, CA for homicide.

Things in life I dig are; Indian food, Asian American culture, interracial relationship/friendships, learning mahjong, volleyball, some classical music, new country, & 90's R&B ballads by artists like Dru Hill, Johnny Gill & Boys 2 Men. Also, Maroon 5, Lucky Daye. As well as continuing my college education at Coastline College, and experiencing new and diverse cultures.

Am currently pursuing re-sentencing. Upon release my plan is to attend U.C. Davis under the Underground Scholars program while additionally attending the West Sacramento crane operator's trade school.

Seeking/Welcoming contact(s) via snail mail OR GTL/gettingout.com direct texting account with me. From persons: Women or Males, 30-65, Jewish, Asian-American, Indian, White, Polynesian, Latin, from the USA or Internationally. Real Talk. It's Good!! From all sexes, genders, subcultures, religions, sexualities. ("Its all good"). I'm never hatin'.

I'm 6'4', strong build, into fitness, Buddhist, love meditation, have lots of body art, (likes) body art, especially Asian themed. (1) adult bi-racial daughter, heavily into interracial relationships/and or friendships. My motto: I like/love who likes/loves me. I have no time for making up (list's) of pre-requisites. Period, point blank. Native to northern California bay area. Silicon Valley area of Sunnyvale, CA.

So, tap in. Its GOOD!!. I leave you in peace, power, and positivity.

Awaiting your contact=)

Date of Birth: 8/21/1967
Height: 6'4"
Education: Enrolled in college
Occupation before prison: Data entry
Earliest Release Date:
Maximum Release Date:
Would you like letters from both sexes: Yes, both
(This does not refer to sexual orientation)  
Can you receive email: Yes
If yes, which service: gettingout.com
Can you respond to email: Yes
Activities in prison: Volunteer dog training program, college-pursuing A.S. degree
Anything else: Mentoring younger inmates, facilitating self-help groups

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