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Ranell Joseph 614546
Raymond Laborde Correctional Center
1630 Prison Road
Cottonport, Louisiana 71327

Hello, my name is Ranell Joseph, but everyone calls me Hollywood. I'm 37 and I'm also from Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I'm a Scorpio. I chose to get this site to potentially find a person who is down to make a new friend and correspond about life and anything else that comes to mind.

I'm currently a conditioner trainer for the boxing team. It's a prison travel boxing team which is sponsored by LIBA, which I've been doing for awhile now. I spend the majority of my day c conditioning/training for upcoming fights. When I'm not working out, I'm attending the clubs I'm also a part of, one of which is called JAP, Juvenile Awareness Program, and our purpose is to teach the local youth and to mentor them by speaking to a class full and doing prison reenactments.

For the people who know me best can say I'm real laid back, business minded, a believer in Christ, and social. I can be hot headed and grumpy, lol.

Thank you for taking the time to read my bio. I hope to hear from you soon. You can email me through JPay, or you can write me at the address above. Take care and be blessed.

Date of Birth: 11-17-87
Height: 5'8"
Education: Finished high school
Occupation before prison: Pipe fitter
Earliest Release Date: 2046
Maximum Release Date: 2046
Would you like letters from both sexes: Women
(This does not refer to sexual orientation)  
Can you receive email: Yes
If yes, which service: JPay
Can you respond to email: Yes
Activities in prison: Boxing team, MadeMen speaking club, JAP=reach out to youth
Anything else:

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