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Qiuordai Taylor 389982
Stafford Creek Correctional Center
191 Constantine Way
Aberdeen, Washington 98520
Why should you choose to get to know me? It takes courage to be happy and comfortable in your own skin and know that failure is an event and not a person.
The man you see today is someone who has made the past more valuable by using learning lessons in the present such as admitting when I’m wrong and how to be better the next time around.
Using one word to describe me is confident. Confident in myself and what I have to offer. My daily routine consists of going to school, working out, learning to cook new food dishes (mainly baked sweets) and playing sports. The best dish I am able to cook so far is a tamale burrito and the best dessert I can make is a triple chocolate cheesecake.
What I’m looking for is positive conversation, someone who can communicate, laugh with me, and talk about life with me. Honesty is key.
Date of Birth: 11/2/1997
Height: 5'11"
Education: Some college
Occupation before prison:
Earliest Release Date: 5/3/2025
Maximum Release Date: 5/9/2064
Would you like letters from both sexes: Women
(This does not refer to sexual orientation)
Can you receive email: Yes
If yes, which service: securustech.net
Can you respond to email: Yes
Activities in prison: Basketball and school
Anything else: Fitness, nutrition and entrepreneurial courses
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