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Patrick McLemore 302122
Chippewa Correctional Facility
4269 M 80
Kincheloe, Michigan 49788
BIG changes coming into my life and possibly yours! Thanks to the almighty, wise, US Supreme Court Justices. In 2025, my unconstitutional, life without parole sentence I was given at the tender age of 16 years old will be removed. Replaced with term of years sentence making me eligible for parole board and release!
My name is Patrick James, 42 years young. I've spent over 25 years in this concrete jungle. I never let my past or environment define who I could become.
Dozens of positive work reports, platinum, and gold certifications, act, work keys showing my skills for employers to see my potential. Business degree/diploma Ashworth University in Georgia. Certifications occupational therapy, Saginaw Valley State University working with students.
Mentoring over the years troubled youth as well as inmates. AKC Certified dog trainer, successfully trained 10 service dogs through Paws For a Cause and much more. I only have so much space in this bio.
More info, pics, FB, ACLU of Michigan 2nd Chances for Youth. Be aware that not all info online is accurate or true, just ask. Open personally and mentally about life, universe, history, archeology, sciences, cryptology, paranormal, ancient astronaut theory and more!
Single, no kids, nicknames, been called a sweet bad boy. Great sense of humor and more. Most friends, family, lost in time.
Looking for good conversation on a silly or serious, I'm here! Age, race, location, all good! Email me at Jpay or write! Take a chance with me?
Date of Birth: 9-28-1982
Height: 5'7"
Occupation before prison:
Earliest Release Date:
Maximum Release Date:
Would you like letters from both sexes: Women
(This does not refer to sexual orientation)
Can you receive email: Yes
If yes, which service: JPay.com
Can you respond to email: Yes
Activities in prison:
Anything else:
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