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Osvaldo Couret #136081
A.S.P.C. Lewis
Stiner Red
P.O. Box 3100
Buckeye, Arizona 85326
Hello, I’m Osvaldo. I’m Half Black and Puerto Rican. I’m looking to make new friends. I’m at a shift in my life and I’m open to make new friends. I want to experience new things. I’m tired of my old ways of being and would like to have a friend join me in my new life. I won’t be incarcerated long, and I hope to maybe one day have a true friend in my life.
I’m not picky nor judgmental, I love conversation and good company. I’m kind but assertive when I need to be, I love telling jokes and all around having fun no matter what situation I’m in. I also wake up every morning and thank God that I’m still breathing.
Date of Birth: 7/9/1979
Height: 6’2”
Earliest Release Date: 6/9/2022
Maximum Release Date: 9/9/2022
Would you like letters from both sexes? Both
(This does not refer to sexual orientation)
Education: high school
Occupation before prison: medical transport
Activities in prison: reading, chess, working, church
Can you receive and send emails: Yes, via securus.com
Anything Else? I’m looking for something new!
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