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Michael Limon 167511
PO Box 600
Canon City, Colorado 81215
I am a humble man who was brought up with morals, firm core beliefs, as well as respect. I was raised by my mom and my sister, so I hold woman highly in my heart. I'm putting myself out there in hopes to find someone new. You never know who you will meet or how that persons life experiences can influence or benefit your own.
I'm on a path of advancement and would like to give as well as receive something that's real. Someone to confide in, a person who loves to share thoughts, ideas and goals. This is just a small glimpse from my mind and trust me there is a whole lot more to discover. If you're feeling my words, please give me the opportunity to listen and feel yours too.
Date of Birth: 2-8-87
Height: 5'8"
Education: Diploma
Occupation before prison: Heavy machinery
Earliest Release Date: 8/23
Maximum Release Date: 3/27
Would you like letters from both sexes: Women
(This does not refer to sexual orientation)
Can you receive email: Yes
If yes, which service: Jpay
Can you respond to email: No include contact info
Activities in prison: Weight's, handball, basketball, art work, self improvement
Anything else: Classes
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