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Marlon Willocks 22B5241
Upstate Correctional Facility
P.O. Box 2001
Malone, New York 12953
First and foremost, hello to ALL my beautiful women from all over the world and from all walks of life. Thank you for taking the time out to check me out, much appreciated for real!
I’m 30 years old, Brooklyn born, very smart and precocious, tatted all over my skin, with long locks and optimistic about the future! I’m into politics, business and economics, and I’m also studying political science.
I’m seeking friendship and somebody who is down to earth and ready for new beginnings.
My experiences create who I am as a person, so if you choose to get to know me, then I’ll invite you in! My morals and principles are from “Jamaica” (LOL, yes I’m a Jamaican kid), so if you’re West Indian….you know the vibes!
Enough about me though…best friend, where you at?
Date of Birth: 6/10/1994
Height: 6'6"
Education: High school diploma
Occupation before prison: Museum of Modern Art coat check attendant
Earliest Release Date: 11/2033
Maximum Release Date: Life on parole
Would you like letters from both sexes: Women! Only!
(This does not refer to sexual orientation)
Can you receive email: Yes
If yes, which service: securustech.net
Can you respond to email: Yes, once I am moved from solitary confinement
Activities in prison: Working out daily, playing basketball, write poems
Anything else:
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