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Chris M. Browne 000852926B
East Jersey State Prison - 1401
P.O. Box 96777
Las Vegas, Nevada 89193
*** Mail must first go to a central mail processing facility at the above address to curb the introduction of mail contraband. Chris is incarcerated in New Jersey.
I’m looking for friendship with someone. I am close to getting out of prison. At this point in my life, I’m on the downside of my journey. Yes, I have many good years in front of me, and my goal is to live them freely, in as upbeat a way as possible. But, for now, I must endure the hardship of incarceration, and I don’t want to do it alone.
As for other aspects about me, I enjoy good food, fashion, and movies like “The Notebook” and “007 James Bond.” I enjoy listening to Rock music and jazz, as well as R&B. In my free time, I enjoy comedy clubs and would like to volunteer in urban communities.
When it comes to you, things like your race, religion, and ethnicity matter to me only to be extent that these are topics to explore. I am open-minded and hold no biases.
If you are interested in learning more about me, or in starting intimate communication, please reach out to me and I promise I will respond. Send me a one-minute video saying hello and who you are. I am on Jpay.
Date of Birth: 1-27-1970
Height: 5'11"
Education: College - 1 year
Occupation before prison: Sales Consultant
Earliest Release Date: 12/31/2024
Maximum Release Date: 9/6/2029
Would you like letters from both sexes: Women
(This does not refer to sexual orientation)
Can you receive email: Yes
If yes, which service: JPay.com
Can you respond to email: Yes
Activities in prison: College
Anything else:
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