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Malik Hall #1434499
Wallens Ridge State Prison
P.O. Box 759
Big Stone Gap, Virginia 24219
Be Careful With Me
I am a fragile work of humanity
Not because I been through my share of up and downs mix...
With empty promises and let downs...
It's because...I love to be, in love with love...
I enjoy day dreaming about my sweet lady smile, when she look in my direction...
I enjoy the art of making up ways to make my sweet lady laugh...
I anticipate
my sweet lady input on things I'm interested in...
I seek to be my sweet lady relief from the pressures of this world...
I search the ancient teaching for the art of joy making...
I cross the deserted land to discover the art of...
If you could love me, like I love me,
Then I can love you, like you love you,
Then we can love according to unconditional love...
Keep in mind that I comprehend your emotional trials and your relationship malnourishment...However, those were cheat codes that will guide and remind you as to what you are entitled to...
A man
A leader
A helper
A guide
A partner
A best friend
A husband
A stronger power source
A king
A counselor
A Royal Chancellor...
I await your letters or email. Currently, no one is occupying a seat at the table of my heart...
Date of Birth: 3/10/1978
Height: 6'2"
Education: Christian Theology College
Earliest Release Date: Life
Maximum Release Date:
Would you like letters from both sexes? Women
(This does not refer to sexual orientation)
Prison Approved Email: Jpay.com
Can you receive and send emails? Yes
Occupation before prison: Student, Part time food server
Activities in prison:
Anything Else? Spiritual
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