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LeRoy Richardson 16787-509
U.S.P. Canaan
P.O. Box 300
Waymart, Pennsylvania 18472
Intelligent, down to earth man, looking to meet a likewise friend.
Write me a letter or contact me through pigeonly.com. Corrlinks.com is another option, once you are added to my contact list.
In order for me to receive emails from you, your email must be registered with corrlinks.com. Please write me via postal mail providing me with your email address and I can send you an invitation with the link.
Date of Birth: 4/20/1980
Height: 5’11”
Earliest Release Date:
Maximum Release Date: 11/16/2026
Would you like letters from both sexes? Women
(This does not refer to sexual orientation)
Education: G.E.D.
Occupation before prison: Factory Worker
Activities in prison: Creative Cooking
Can you receive and send emails: Yes, via corrlinks.com
Anything Else? Please write and provide your email address so I can send you an invite for corrlinks.com
You can also contact me through pigeonly.com.
Notice: To verify all or some of the information
given please click here