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Kevin Hawkins 12441851
Oregon State Pentitentiary
2605 State Street
Salem, Oregon 97310
Hi, my name is Kevin and for the last three years I have devoted most of my time and energy to an H-Vac certification program which I am proud t say I have recently completed. Now though, with still one more year remaining on my sentence, I find myself dealing with an increased amount of idle time on my hands. Unfortunately, idle time has and always will eventually bring around my old day one friend, Loneliness. So, today looking for new ways to stay busy, my homeboy shot me an ad for this site and I figured, why not roll the dice. Honestly, I think just the idea that any day could be a day the C.O. stops by my cell at mail call makes it worth it without any expectations. I’m not looking for anything more than new connections with new interesting people.
One of my profile pics is from my wedding over twenty years ago and the other was taken the day I was arrested. I have more current photos on the way, you just never know how long with the photo system here at O.S.P.
I, however, look forward to hearing from you and if not, thanks for looking me up anyway.
Date of Birth: 7/10/1980
Height: 5'10"
Occupation before prison: Sales
Earliest release date: 5/26/2024
Maximum release date: 3/5/2025
Would you like letters from both sexes?
(This does not refer to sexual orientation)
Can you receive email: No
If yes, which service:
Can you respond to emails:
Activities in prison:
Write, lift, softball
Anything else: Completed Journeyman H-Vac certification program
Notice: To verify all or some of the information
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