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Joshua Holland Y18404
PO Box 23608
Tampa, Florida 33623
HELLO WORLD!! Look, I'm gonna be 100% real here. My charges/sentence both ain't very pleasant (to say the least), especially for someone on the outside looking in. I was (19) when I originally got arrested, later lost trial and got the book thrown at me in court. Political Case! Yeah I was wild, immature, misguided as a young man (kid mentally), yet it was due to the lack of discipline in not having a steady father figure around while growing up.
Anyway I've been forced to mature fast inside this (FLDOC) concrete jungle incarcerated since 2003 till now. However, the WORLD'S GREATEST ATHLETE'S inspire me to push myself forward like, (TOM BRADY)!! I use to have my way with the ladies when I was free, but now I can't find one to save my life.
I'm a man of many talents, I rap, write songs/poetry, I dance (salsa). As a GEMINI, I stay on the move, gotta beat my feet to earn my daily keep. I keep HOPE alive, remain positive, and set goals for myself. See my colorings, I express myself by releasing an inner creativeness that's new to me.
Welcome yaself into my world as we converse and surf each others minds, amazingly maybe (you) could possibly find WHAT'S MISSING inside youself, through meeting (ME)! Who knows, unless you try.
AS IRON SHARPENS IRON, SO ONE PERSON SHARPENS ANOTHER! (27:17) If you'd like to link up and talk more, access me through setting up an email account online at (SECURUS.com) via kiosk. Track me anywhere via (VineLink) also access visitation privileges online (www.dc.state.fl.us) Until then, be safe--GOD BLESS!!
Date of Birth: 6-18-83
Occupation before prison:
Earliest Release Date: 2063
Maximum Release Date:
Would you like letters from both sexes: Women
(This does not refer to sexual orientation)
Can you receive email: Yes
If yes, which service: Securustech.online
Can you respond to email: Yes
Activities in prison: Music, writing, and arts
Anything else: I idolize "Spanish Culture", I LOVE and protect ALL children, I respect women and my elders.
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