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Jonathan Miller A621475
Allen Oakwood Correctional Institution
2338 N West Street
Lima, Ohio 45801
Hey all countries, spots and areas. It's 1 am. I have to make my space how I can. And I wanna 100% make an old ass MySpace joke right now. But that would age me and Tom is already not on my side. Oops my bad, I meant "Time", damn guess I made that joke anyway.
I'm Jonathan. I'm straight, mixed race, South African. Grew up on the East Coast of The US, was in the Military. No kids, and I've been locked up for almost 14 years. I see the parole board really soon, like a little more than a year and 1/2. It's nerve racking, but I'm ready for it because I'm ready to be out. I'm ready to swim in an ocean of unexpectedness and not a pool or predictability.
I enjoy working out, doing yoga, and reading. My music is my life right now, I bump everything from Deep House to HipHop Dance Hall to 90's grunge. I'm always kinda in these in between spots. Kind of the Prince and Prisoner of them lol. But is a castle just a fancy dungeon?
Why am I writing like Harry Potter meets Harry Styles right now haha. But if you wanna talk, let me know, maybe that smile in passing can turn into a conversation and a chat to a bond. IDN... Only politicians make promises before they meet someone. But I can make an offer of my ear if you need one, and my imagination if yours needs a playmate, from there it's just routes and reactions.
Date of Birth: 11-27-1986
Height: 5'8"
Education: High school and college
Occupation before prison:
Earliest Release Date:
Maximum Release Date:
Would you like letters from both sexes: Women only
(This does not refer to sexual orientation)
Can you receive email: Yes
If yes, which service: GTL GettingOut
Can you respond to email: Yes
Activities in prison:
Anything else:
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