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Prince Jesus Illuminati SantoBriganti #312902
Clallam Bay Correctional Center
D B 8
1830 Eagle Crest Way
Clallam Bay, Washington 98326
Hi, my name is Prince Jesus. It’s a beautiful day to be on here with this opportunity to connect with people in a positive and meaningful way.
I’m well rounded, intuitive, street smart, with an aim on becoming a success story. Since youth I’ve been a palm reader and am blessed to continue my gift to inmates and to the world at large via JPay.com.
I’m interested in entering the wellness industry and establishing a social media presence for motivational and inspirational purposes. I practice Mindfulness Awareness and am a published author of a book dedicated to at risk youth called “Wokeness; Real Talk Chronicles”.
That being said, I’m on here to make connections with successful people in the professional world with the hope of being mentored/sponsored, network with like minded people, and meet genuine positive friends along the way.
If you’re in a position to make a difference in someone’s life, consider that it may be your calling. Let’s chat. Contact me directly by logging on to JPay.com Jesus Santo Briganti #312902.
God bless your Steelo and may everything you touch turn to gold.
Date of Birth: 9/11/1976
Height: 5’10”
Earliest Release Date:
Maximum Release Date: 2024
Would you like letters from both sexes? Women
(This does not refer to sexual orientation)
Education: GED
Occupation before prison: Construction
Activities in prison: Facilitator of a mindfulness class, Studying, Working out, Yoga
Can you receive and send emails: Yes, via JPay.com
Anything Else? Married
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