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Jesse Cantu #1556639
McConnell Unit
P.O. Box 660400
Dallas, Texas 75266-0400
Hello ladies, I understand what it's like to not be appreciated or valued for my worth. I also know what it's like to not have companionship, to be held in a cage, as if I'm just some forgotten beast. I've learned the very hard way to appreciate, adore, respect, and be considerate of females and their time, value, desires, and, most of all, companionship.
The prison I'm currently in could be considered a theme park or a walk in the park...To the one you have been locked in for so long, held against your will. My prison is made of razor wire, concrete and bars. Yours may be razor sharp cuts, cement weights holding you down and past relationships that left you with nothing but scars. Someone can hurt you more than you deserve because you loved them more than they deserved.
If, by chance, you are curious to what being locked in a cage, away from humanity, forbidden from human touch, bound by the shackles of loneliness and stripped of female companionship (for over 16 years) really feels like, reach out... Let me enter your world whole leaving mine...without a felony.
I'm a world away from you, but as close as your finger tips to your keypad. With a few quick keystrokes, we can connect. You can unlock my prison, and I yours. Let these keypads be the "keys" to our freedom.
Free because of you,
Jesse Cantu
Date of birth: 1/11/1977
Height: 5’9”
Education: G.E.D.
Occupation before prison: Electrician
Earliest release date: 7/2027
Maximum release date: 7/2047
Would you like letters from both sexes? Both
(Question does not refer to sexual orientation)
Can you receive email? Yes
If yes which email service? Via securustech.net Jesse Cantu #05517037 (SID #)
Can you respond to email? Yes
Activities in prison: Reading, writing, studying, art work and fitness
Anything Else? I have also obtained a paralegal certificate – G.E.D.
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