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Henry Asencio 809833g
New Jersey State Prison - 1400
P.O. Box 96777
Las Vegas, Nevada 89193

*** Mail must first go to a central mail processing facility at the above address to curb the introduction of mail contraband. Henry is incarcerated in New Jersey.

I love to exercise and do things to better myself and others around me. I have a positive attitude and I’m a very good listener. I love to uplift others.

This is a judgement free zone. If you appreciate this realness, I’m putting it on display. I recently lost a close relative and I’m still healing.

Add me on Jpay using my SBI#809833G.

Date of Birth: 4/19/2000
Height: 6'0"
Education: High school graduate
Occupation before prison:
Earliest Release Date: 4/17/2026
Maximum Release Date: 4/17/2026
Would you like letters from both sexes: Women
(This does not refer to sexual orientation)  
Can you receive email: Yes
If yes, which service: Jpay.com
Can you respond to email: Yes
Activities in prison: Cosmetology, working out
Anything else:

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