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Harry Whitman #855668
Airway Heights Corrections Center
P.O. Box 2049
Airway Heights, Washington 99001

If you are tired of the social media meet “Kabookee Dance”, filtered and photo shopped pictures, shallow conversations with a focus on body parts and hook-ups, images and messages of love and friendship that distort what friendship really is, portrayals of love and friendship with images of sexuality and materialism, with hype and other forms of artificiality. 

How about a complete change of emphasis? I am Harry “Brocq” Whitman, paralegal, founder of the Washington Entrepreneurship Program (WEP) and Washington Re-Entry and Entrepreneurship Program (WREP); PLAN Consulting Group, President, Black Prisoners Caucus (BPC); writer/guest columnist, Black Lens News, criminal/social justice advocate, master organizer, entrepreneur. I am 63 years old, 6’0”, 185 lbs. in excellent health. And I have never been proud to admit that much of my life was spent perfecting ways to increase the revenues of a criminal enterprise which resulted in my being incarcerated. As I now prepare to return to the free community, I am looking to establish a meaningful friendship with a woman preferably 50 years and older.

As for me, just imagine a man so focused that the only reason he commits to new friendships with any woman is if his heart and instincts tell him that you are the one, that’s me, Brocq. If you are interested in communicating contact me direct via JPay.com, Harry Whitman #855668, Airway Heights Correction Center, Washington.

Date of birth: 4/17/1959 
Height: 6’0”   
Education: College       
Occupation before prison: Paralegal  
Earliest release date: 4/2023  
Maximum release date: 6/2026    
Would you like letters from both sexes? Women     
(Question does not refer to sexual orientation)
Can you receive email? Yes  
If yes which email service? Via JPay.com    
Can you respond to email? Yes
Activities in prison:
Anything Else? 

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