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Gabriel Vieira 395229
Monroe Corrections Complex MSU
PO Box 7001
Monroe, Washington 98272
Hey ladies, how are you all doing? This is just a minor step back for a major comeback, I am making the proper changes in my life to make sure I never come back here. I'm 28 years old. Been down for 1 year, and got about 7 months left. I'm in for multiple property crimes and possession of a firearm.
I'm interested in making new friends, and possibly even more. I strive for growth and to better myself daily. I'm outgoing, ambitious, and super easy to talk to. I'm an open book, so feel free to get on my Securus.
Date of Birth: 11-14-95
Height: 6'
Education: High school diploma
Occupation before prison: Maintenance
Earliest Release Date: 2-5-2025
Maximum Release Date: 11-5-2025
Would you like letters from both sexes: Women
(This does not refer to sexual orientation)
Can you receive email: Yes
If yes, which service: Securus
Can you respond to email: Yes
Activities in prison: Work out, chemical dependency, music, guitar
Anything else:
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