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Fauloloa Faagata #306380
Stafford Creek Correction Center
191 Constantine Way
Aberdeen, Washington 98520
First and foremost thank you for showing interest and taking the time to hear my calling for a beautiful soul who I can build and create something profound and special with...
I'm a Polynesian Islander "Samoan" to be exact. I'm seeking for a beautiful, elegant, intelligent, independent high spirit, loving and caring woman that can help fill the void in me that only such woman can. I know my circumstances and where about aint the best, but I can honestly admit and say that my beauty within is full of life with all the qualities a woman can acquire from a man, mentally, physically, morally, spiritually, emotionally, etc. All I'm asking is a chance to touch your heart, spark your world and put a smile on your beautiful face like you deserve.
I'm a kind, loving, caring, optimistic, free-spirit, open minded, etc, individual. I'm an artist. I paint, draw, bead, rap, etc. Also very athletic. I am very proactive in my community inside these concrete steels.
Looking forward to hear from you if interested.
Race: Samoan Islander
Date of Birth: 6/11/1986
Height: 6'
Earliest Release Date: Depends
Maximum Release Date: 2044
Religion: Free Spirit Christian
Would you like letters from both sexes? Women
(This does not refer to sexual orientation)
Education: Self Made
Occupation before prison: Student, Hard Worker, man of all trades
Activities in prison: Mentoring, Educational/Self Help Programs, Sports, Arts, Music, Etc
Can you receive and send emails: Yes
If yes which service: securusmobiletechnology.net Faagata DOC#306380
Can you respond to email: Yes
Notice: To verify all or some of the information
given please click here