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Eric Coon 19717251
3405 Deer Park Drive S.E.
Salem, Oregon 97310
Do you know how much a polar bear weighs? Enough to break the ice.
Hey, my name is Eric, I’m hoping to build new friendships. I have been in prison for a few years now and am hoping to be blessed with a deep connection with someone who can help shine a little light on these grey walls.
A little about me, I enjoy reading, listening to music and a little TV now and then. Don’t judge. LOL I love animals, being outdoors and also working out. I am all about having a good time with a few laughs. I guess you can say I’m the life of the party sometimes.
Well, If I pique your interest, then please take a leap of faith and reach out to me. I don’t mind writing letters, either, so don’t be shy.
I hope to hear from you, Friend.
Thank you for reading my profile. Have a blessed day!
Date of Birth: 6/7/1997
Height: 5'11"
Education: G.E.D.
Occupation before prison: Construction
Earliest Release Date: 11/24/2029
Maximum Release Date: 11/24/2029
Would you like letters from both sexes: Women
(This does not refer to sexual orientation)
Can you receive email: Yes
If yes, which service: gettingout.com
Can you respond to email: Yes
Activities in prison: Reading, exercising, lifting weights and listening to music
Anything else:
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