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Eduardo Moreno 379465
Clallam Bay Corrections Center
1830 Eagle Crest Way
Clallam Bay, Washington 98326
Aye, what's up, real quick I just wanted to post this up with the hopes of finding a real genuine woman that's willing to meet me in the middle to make a meaningful friendship. A woman with a kind, caring soul, and heart of gold who's down to earth and into truly being themselves with me, all bs aside so we can share a real laugh or two. Someone that'd be looking forward to getting to know me for me as I'm looking to with her.
A lil about me... my name's Eduardo H. Moreno, DOC#379465, I'm 26 years old, 5'10", Mexican, and born in San Jose, California. I've been in prison 10 years now for an assault 1 w/ deadly weapon enhancement, rioting, and a Custodial Assault which as of now only have a lil under 2 years left to go. I love music, drawing, and tattooing (when the opportunity is presented lol) and aside from that, sports along with playing them as well. I got a huge heart and I'm a great listener so through and through, l'll always hear you out and give you my best feedback based off my own life experiences.
If this is something that catches yur attention and you feel you can vibe with me, then by all means, feel free to message me. I'll always do my best to get back to you asap. You can reach me thru SecurusTechnologies.net or if not by actual mail here at the above address. Our time won't ever be wasted or for nothing. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Date of Birth: 1-14-98
Height: 5'10"
Occupation before prison:
Earliest release date: 2025
Maximum release date: 2026
Would you like letters from both sexes? Women
(This does not refer to sexual orientation)
Can you receive email: Yes
If yes, which service:
Can you respond to emails: Yes
Activities in prison:
Anything else:
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