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Dwayne Croom R56669
Lawrence Correctional Center
10930 Lawrence Road
Sumner, Illinois 62466
When you logged on to this site, what were your expectations? I asked myself this same question before posting this brief glimpse into the window of my soul and came to the conclusion, it’s “Companionship”! (What was yours?)
One of life’s first lessons that we are taught is we are not made to be “Alone”. When birthed, we are a totally vulnerable, dependent child. No matter whom the person may be, it’s a Human Being and as a social being it’s in our nature to have “Mates”, whether that’s a friend from “Down Under” or one for the soul.
I read somewhere that your “Best Friend” was once a complete stranger and all it took was a “Hello” and a bond was forged for a Lifetime of Precious Memories…Well, this is my “Hello”!
Being held captive, I realize my most valuable asset is “Time”. So, I don’t just give out pieces of mine, but it in it’s entirety. If you are “Choosing”, you have to know that I’ve been imprisoned going on 20 years for a crime I did not commit and am fully committed to having my conviction overturned. For, an injustice anywhere is a threat to justice “Everywhere”!
Despite this miscarriage of justice, I keep a positive attitude and remain optimistic. We only live once; so, to cheat death I maximize the opportunities and experiences that life has to offer. One of the most vital being “Genuine Friendship”. To keep these four walls from closing in, I would like to expand my world by meeting new people from all walks of life (starting with you!).
I know in order to be a good friend, you have to nourish that relationship a new way every day. It’s not easy, but I look forward to becoming someone that know what you are capable of, and celebrate those pieces of you.
The question is, Are you woman enough to accept the thoughts of a man who has been held captive for years? To see with your sparkling eyes beyond the torment and mental scars that are healing from long term isolation? Are you “woke” to see with your mind’s eye that I may not be the gangbanger, drug dealer or alleged murderer society has painted me out to be, or are you still asleep? Are you that “Phenomenal Woman” that can feel with her heart the parts of this cold steel cage that’s inhumane, to embrace a man that has been pushed to the brink and refuse to be broken?
Date of Birth: 12/1/1987
Height: 5'9"
Education: Autodidact
Occupation before prison: Hustler
Earliest Release Date: 2025
Maximum Release Date: 2055
Would you like letters from both sexes: Women
(This does not refer to sexual orientation)
Can you receive email: Yes
If yes, which service: securustech.net
Can you respond to email: Yes
Activities in prison: I am a writer, day trader, and professional gambler
Anything else: I am a good listener who gives great advice
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