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Derick Lewis M30208
Shawnee Correctional Center
6665 State Rt. 146 East
Vienna, Illinois 62996
Hey, my name is Derick, but everybody calls me Deg. I am from from Chicago, lived there my whole life, but I love to travel, enjoy going out to eat good food. I like cap'n crunch berries cereal with ice cream, a bomb lol. I love to laugh, I believe it's good for the heart. I went to school for two years for business and management. Right now, I am in the process of getting back control of my life.
I am seeking a friendship, someone that's fun, funny, good looking, and nice. They don't give me a lot of words, so I'm hoping to hear from you friend.
Date of Birth: 10-22-94
Height: 6'
Education: Degree
Occupation before prison: CDL
Earliest Release Date: 2028
Maximum Release Date: 3-1-2032
Would you like letters from both sexes: Women
(This does not refer to sexual orientation)
Can you receive email: Yes
If yes, which service: Connect network
Can you respond to email: Yes
Activities in prison: Workout, LTS worker
Anything else: Play ball, run, play chess
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