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DeAndre Parker 000273992D
New Jersey State Prison
P.O. Box 861
Trenton, New Jersey 08625
I am doing a little time, and I thought I would use it wisely by bettering myself as well as attempting to connect with some people. I have no time for expectations in order to avoid let downs. But, hopefully, me and you can benefit each other. Good communication is priceless. I go by the motto if someone isn’t adding to your life, they are subtracting good energy, and high vibrations are something I balance my life on. Our past can’t be undone, our future isn’t here yet. So we must focus on our present.
Looking forward to meeting good women only, no room for negativity. Stay blessed, Queens, be the author of your own story. Keep your crowns lifted, it matters.
Looking forward to our meeting. Talk to you soon.
Date of Birth: 10/22/1988
Height: 5'11"
Education: College
Occupation before prison: Drug counselor
Earliest Release Date: 11/17/2027
Maximum Release Date: 3/9/2028
Would you like letters from both sexes: Women
(This does not refer to sexual orientation)
Can you receive email: Yes
If yes, which service: Jpay.com
Can you respond to email: Yes
Activities in prison: Classes, reading, exercise and relaxing
Anything else:
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