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Collin Irons 1835665
Snohomish County Jail
P.O. Box 247
Phoenix, Maryland 21131
I'm a 33 year old Sagittarius from Seattle, Washington. I'm 5'8", 185lbs with blue/green eyes and an athletic build. I'm into fitness and like to look good; kind of a pretty boy. I'm spontaneous, outgoing, funny, cocky, confident, and an inch away from conceited. I'm very playful, open-minded, optimistic, and a fun-loving individual with intelligent conversation. I have a passion for music, art, and all things of beauty. I enjoy socializing, networking, and establishing solid foundations.
I'm currently looking for someone who's loyal, and isn't infatuated with childish games but ready to meet on an intellectual level and create something worth embracing. Someone who deserves to be paid attention to, reassured, and appreciated. If interested please contact me at the above address.
****Mail for Collin must first go to a central mail processing facility at the above address to curb the introduction of mail contraband.
Date of Birth: 12-5-90
Height: 5'8"
Education: G.E.D and collage
Occupation before prison: Mechanic/ car sales
Earliest Release Date: 2025
Maximum Release Date: 2031
Would you like letters from both sexes: Women
(This does not refer to sexual orientation)
Can you receive email: Yes
If yes, which service: GTL or Gettingout APP
Can you respond to email: Yes
Activities in prison: Working out, reading, writing, drawing. Just staying focused on my future goals.
Anything else:
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