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Clifford Clark 02239054
Bill Clements Unit
P.O. Box 660400
Dallas, Texas 75266

Greetings! I’m looking for someone special to talk to. I’m handsome with dreads. I’m in shape and I love eating. I also like traveling. Time is limited and so traveling, seeing the beautiful world God created is what I like to do. It’s important to me.

I’m fighting my case on an appeal because I’m innocent. Until then, I’m in prison, using my time productively to construct a better me. Time and your mind are 2 terrible things to waste.

I can only provide a conversation and I’m only seeking a little bit of your time and motivation. I hate being in prison. Be my sunlight and shine your love on me.

Are there any music heads out there? I’m into production of music and photography as well as I’m business oriented. I understand business from both sides of life. Prison has not stopped me from being successful but instead has given a chance to plan how to be successful and productive.

You can set up your phone through Texasprisonphone.com. Their phone number is 1.866.806.7804. My TDCJ #02239054, SID 17108440. Please send your pictures and phone number.

Date of birth: 11/20/1991   
Height: 6’0”  
Education: College
Occupation before prison: Construction  
Earliest release date: 11/28/2024
Maximum release date: 11/28/2058  
Would you like letters from both sexes? Women
(Question does not refer to sexual orientation)
Can you receive email? Yes
If yes which email service? Jpay.com
Can you respond to email? Yes
Activities in prison: Legal work studies, writing music and poetry, drawing
Anything Else?
I'm looking for a serious friendship.

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