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Christopher Perkins 16874214
Oregon State Correctional Institution
3405 Deer Park Drive SE
Salem, Oregon 97310

Welcome to my profile on this prominent platform. I'm HIGHLY GRATEFUL of your interest thus far. A bit about myself, I'm an entertainer, lover, fighter, father, free-spirit. In need of company, conversation, compassion, comfort, and a bit of consistency.

As I'm currently here WRONGFULLY ACCUSED and overly sentenced, fighting for a much earlier restoration of my freedom - via the Court of Appeals. Please COME AS YOU ARE! Nationality, age (18+), location, body type, gender, religion, occupation, lifestyle etc... OPEN! Letters emails, cards, photos, phone conversations, visits (video and /or contact) and support collectively - WELCOME!

Here to perhaps listen, be an "open book", not judge/shame nor criticize, inspire, uplift, enlighten, discover a powerful mental connection, establish a mutual understanding, and share a TRUE EVERLASTING HEALTHY FRIENDSHIP (if nothing furthermore).

Genuinely ......Mr. Perkins aka "Fast Livin"

P.S. Btw, Email with me via the 'GTL Getting Out" app. And a few of my other web - links below: * @iamlivin503 (on Instagram or Google search). *I'm Tattooed In Portland : Episode 3/Fast Livin (17-18 min's in on YouTube). *Base Rocks Challenge/Fast Livin (on YouTube).

Date of Birth: 9-16-1982
Height: 6'1"
Education: GED
Occupation before prison: Entertainer/ Rapper/ Public figure
Earliest Release Date: 9-2032
Maximum Release Date:
Would you like letters from both sexes: Yes
(This does not refer to sexual orientation)  
Can you receive email: Yes
If yes, which service: GTL GettingOut
Can you respond to email: Yes
Activities in prison: Reading, writing, remaining fit. Improving self collectively, watching TV/ movies. Listening to music, studying, and composing business plans.
Anything else:

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