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Casey Tschida AV6660
Valley State Prison
P. O. Box 92
Chowchilla, California 93610-0092

Hello! I'm a creative, kind, affectionate, open minded person. I'm interested in meeting new people and making new friendships. I'm looking for others that might have similar interests, values, beliefs, or can introduce me to some new ones!

I believe we should be trying to grow and better ourselves. Whether it's educational, faith, health, fitness, or other things that make us better. I love to laugh and make others laugh and have a good time. That's what life is about, to enjoy it with others you want to be around and care for.

I have a lot of free time to give to the people I care about. Whether it's being a great listener, talking or writing them, or finding the good in life, even in tough situations, and be the light to cheer them up. Things I value and have interest in is furthering my education, faith, relationships, health, and fitness. I love music, reading, sports, animals, anything that makes me laugh.

I go to mentor youth for work and school/groups every day. I'm unable to add you to my contacts through gettingout.com. You will need to add me to your contacts before we can electronically communicate.

I'd like to get to know about the fundamentals of who you are. What are your likes and dislikes? What do you like to do for fun? And what do you anticipate venturing into for the future? Your age or race is not important to me, you're more than welcome to contact me!

Date of Birth: 7-31-80
Height: 5'6"
Education: College and military
Occupation before prison: Helicopter mechanic
Earliest Release Date: LWOP
Maximum Release Date: LWOP
Would you like letters from both sexes: Women
(This does not refer to sexual orientation)  
Can you receive email: Yes
If yes, which service: GTL GettingOut
Can you respond to email: Yes
Activities in prison: Mentoring youth, csu fresno, reading, working out
Anything else: Self-help classes, love music, movies. All phone calls are free :P

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