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Anthony Johnson K46493
Pelican Bay State Prison
P.O. Box 7500
Crescent City, California 95532
Greetings to ALL!
I have spent these many years now in prison rehabilitating myself and now it is time to see if it works. Smile.
I’m looking to meet some new and interesting people to have dialogue and healthy relations.
I’m younger than I look in my photos, but prison life has not been easy on me, nor should it be, for those who forfeit their rights to live amongst the innocent by choosing to victimize them.
I have grown a great deal in prison mainly due to education, self-help, humility, sobriety, and spirituality. I took the necessary route of diving into my childhood trauma and unlocking the many strong holds that bound me to violence, addiction, crime and self-hate. Once I freed myself from those menacing strongholds, I sought to help my fellow inmates by creating my very own trauma based self-help group. If you don’t geel safe in this world, you build walls up around yourself that will ultimately lock you in away from everything and everyone. If you do feel safe in this world, you will build bridges that will allow you and others proportions. Will you be a bridge for me?
I’m a dad, Barber, artist, write, singer and facilitator. I earned my college degree here in prison.
Please download the gettingout.com app to talk, text, or face time. My calls, texts and face time are free.
Date of Birth: 10/15/1968
Height: 6'
Education: College degree
Occupation before prison: Military
Earliest release date: 2032
Maximum release date: Life
Would you like letters from both sexes? Yes, both
(This does not refer to sexual orientation)
Can you receive email: Yes
If yes, which service:
Can you respond to emails: Yes
Activities in prison:
Singer, writer, facilitator, mentor, artist
Anything else: I'm interested in meeting a crime writer, journalist or author
Notice: To verify all or some of the information
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