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Aniano Olea #G63622
Valley State Prison
P.O. Box 92
Chowchilla, California 93610
I was a callous, brutal Monster. There exist no words to describe the horrible human I was, argumentative, arrogant, closed minded, extremely controlling, critical of others, lacked God, jealous, preyed on others, uncompassionate, inconsiderate, manipulative, opinionated, vengeful, violent and mean spirited. My choices made me a Monster.
Today, through self-help studies, I no longer am the Monster. I have begun the healing process and have broken the cycle of victimization.
I’m reaching out to find people for friendship. To communicate and provide you the ability to see my change, my rehabilitation. I want to interact with different cultures and ethnicities. To expand my horizons and go outside my comfort zone.
Challenge yourself, embark in correspondence with this old Kowboy. You can test drive me, listen to my heart, kick my tires. Examine me. If my self-improvement, my self-growth, is not worthy, you just end the correspondence, no questions asked.
I’m sentenced never to be released. However, the governor signed a provision allowing elderly men who qualify for parole with self-help and no longer a threat to society, eligible for release.
Rascal Flatts sings, “I’m Movin’ On”, word for word describes my journey. I’ve dealt with my ghost and faced all my demons, finally content with the past I regret. I’ve loved like I should, but lived like I shouldn’t. I had to lose everything to find out, maybe forgiveness will find me somewhere down this road.
Date of birth: 11/17/1963
Height: 5’6”
Education: High School
Occupation before prison: Cowboy/Rancher
Earliest release date: 2027
Maximum release date: 2030
Would you like letters from both sexes? Both
(Question does not refer to sexual orientation)
Can you receive email? Yes
If yes which email service? Via gettingout.com
Can you respond to email? Yes
Activities in prison: Computer technology, domestic violence, anger management
Anything Else? I am a mentor for the youth offenders.
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