Angel Perez 650599E
P.O. Box F-1
Bayside State Prison
Leesburg, New Jersey 08327
my name is Angel Perez. I'm 27 years old from Newark, New Jersey. I am in Bayside State Prison.
I am funny, highly intelligent, and very good looking.
I am looking for a friend who I can be myself around. You can get in contact with me through jPay. My inmate number is 650599E.
Date of Birth: 1/07/1994
Height: 5'8"
Education: High School Diploma
Earliest Release Date: 4/17/2023
Maximum Release Date: 8/4/2025
Would you like letters from both sexes? Women
(This does not refer to sexual orientation)
Prison Approved Email: Jpay.com
Can you receive and send emails? Yes
Occupation before prison:
Activities in prison:
Anything Else?
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