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Adan Yusuf 375325
Coyote Ridge Corrections Center
P.O. Box 769
Connell, Washington 99326
My name is Adan Yusuf. I’m looking for an open line of communication, a friend and someone to talk to.
I love to travel, love kids and am a family man.
I’m very spiritual and would love to get to know you! We’ll be able to share our thoughts, dreams, wishes and desires. Hey! What do we have to lose? All we have is no! I’m looking for an independent, financially secure woman, so we can build our friendship of love.
You have a blessed day, looking forward to hearing from you.
Date of Birth: 1/1/1978
Height: 5'8"
Education: 12th grade
Occupation before prison: Business man
Earliest Release Date: 11/2025
Maximum Release Date: 11/2027
Would you like letters from both sexes: Women
(This does not refer to sexual orientation)
Can you receive email: Yes
If yes, which service: securustech.net
Can you respond to email: Yes
Activities in prison: School, sports, welding school graduate
Anything else:
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