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Veronica Garcia 1036401
Florence McClure Women's Correctional Center
4370 Smiley Road
Las Vegas, Nevada 89115
Aspiring song writer, vocalist and artist going through a transitioning phase. As soon as I’m released, I plan to open my first tattoo shop and copyright all my music and newly written books.
Passionate about being a positive, deep impact to our system. Looking for other fellow prisoner advocates/activists. Also open to networking with other fellow artists, entrepreneurs or casting directors in search of new faces/talent for TV shows.
Notice: If you write Veronica via corrlinks.com email you must include your postal mailing address, or she will not be able to respond. She can receive emails but can only respond via postal mail.
Date of Birth: 11/29/1980
Height: 5'7"
Education: Some college
Occupation before prison: Sole proprietor
Earliest Release Date: 12/15/2024
Maximum Release Date: 12/21/2025
Would you like letters from both sexes: Yes, both
(This does not refer to sexual orientation)
Can you receive email: Yes
If yes, which service: corrlinks.com
Can you respond to email: No
Activities in prison: Song writing, book writing, drawing
Anything else: Fitness and meditation
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