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Stephanie Haupert 6304143
P.O. Box 96777
Las Vegas, Nevada 89193

*** Mail must first go to a central mail processing facility at the above address to curb the introduction of mail contraband. Stephanie is incarcerated in Iowa.

Hi, most people call me Steph. I will be up for parole soon and fully expect to receive it.

Have worked in counseling and mentoring my entire time here and really enjoy it. Would like to pursue a similar career when released, or maybe something in the nursing field. Don't know yet, but working with others has helped me realize how blessed I am. Physically and mentally. It feels good to help others.

Looking for someplace new to go. Start my new life, put the past behind me. I am excited for my future. Returning to the same old is emotionally not good for anyone. Would like to meet new people, new friends, maybe find someone worth developing a relationship with.

Most easily reached through email at corrlinks.com but will always respond to regular mail as well.

I have kids, but they are all grown and on their own now. I will be alone and able to focus on me or us.

I enjoy just about anything with the right person, really enjoy sun bathing, sitting around a campfire. Boating is nice. Road trips are great. Just about everything sounds fun right now. Would like to find a gym close to where I am living and keep going. I like taking care of myself, plus a clean home. Would like to start cooking more again, might even take some cooking classes. Enjoy writing, drawing, and shopping but probably won't be doing any of that for a while. Flexible with pets, they are usually great. Music is open for debate. I don't need much to be happy, a couch and a decent TV series would do just fine.

What would you like to do? Let's chat about it. Looking forward to new adventures.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Date of Birth: 8/16/1985
Height: 5'3"
Education: High school
Occupation before prison: Warehouse
Earliest Release Date: 9/2025
Maximum Release Date: 12/2025
Would you like letters from both sexes? Yes, both
(This does not refer to sexual orientation)
Can you receive email? Yes
If yes which service? corrlinks.com
Can you respond to email? Yes
Activities in prison: Mentoring, walking, gym, classes
Anything Else?

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