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Judith Tyrell 01629909
Lane Murray TDCJ
P.O. Box 660400
Dallas, Texas 75266
Hello free world! Thank you so much for taking the time to read my page and to be interested in a penpal. I’m 14 years in already and I’m well acquainted with this life, however I’m at peace. I have inner joy. I am blessed to even be breathing and despite being in here, I have been shown mercy and favor. I’m far from perfect, I’ve lived a very hard life, but I’m here to tell of it. I’m here to say I’m not beaten or broken. I’m the woman I want to be, and this place and all life’s experiences brought me to where I am and who I am.
I love meeting new people, however I’m only interested in someone who is truly dedicated to the idea of being a supporter of someone locked up. I don’t want momentary friendships. I want to be here forever and I want life long friendship…..maybe even love. God bless ya!!
Date of Birth: 6/18/1989
Height: 5'4"
Education: GED
Occupation before prison: Exotic Dancer
Earliest Release Date: 2033
Maximum Release Date: 2058
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Can you receive email? Yes
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No, we haven’t received our tablets yet so please include a physical address
Activities in prison:
Reading, writing friends, cleaning, keeping myself up
Anything Else? I enjoy my solitude. I can find a million things to entertain myself
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