Crystal Burns 00609124
P.O. Box 1150
Henning, Tennessee 38041
My name is Crystal Burns. I am 36 years old. I am Mexican, Cherokee Indian and White. I am a country girl at heart. I’m funny, will always keep you laughing and will definitely keep you interested. I’m not boring.
I have been sober since 8.3.2023 and I feel the best I ever felt, getting this time to work on me.
I am seeking companionship and good friends in my corner. Looking forward to you writing to me.
Date of Birth: 2/20/1988
Height: 5'2"
Education: G.E.D.
Occupation before prison: Waitress
Earliest Release Date:
Maximum Release Date: 11/5/2029
Would you like letters from both sexes: Yes, both
(This does not refer to sexual orientation)
Can you receive email: Yes
If yes, which service: Jpay.com
Can you respond to email: Yes
Activities in prison: T-com
Anything else:
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