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Anne Rosenberger 104841
Pocatello Women's Correctional Center
1451 Fore Road
Pocatello, Idaho 83204
Hello, I see you over there looking at me. It's okay, drink it in, because I'm here for your pleasure. =) I'm Annie, I'm from New York City, I'm 5'3" and very athletic. I consider myself to be extremely outgoing, empathetic and understanding, with a bit of a wild side. I love music and dancing (it was my focus in college), and animals, but especially bulldogs. I love spending my days working out and taking educational courses offered. I enjoy open-minded people who can maintain intelligent conversations, and most importantly, can make me laugh! I value honesty, loyalty and being genuine above everything.
So if you're interested in talking to someone who is very funny (it's true), sweet and a little bit of sarcastic spitfire, you can hit me up on jpay.com or write me at pwcc Jpay.com my idoc:# is 104841 PWCC 1451 Fore Road, Pocatello 83204
Date of birth: 3/28/1986
Occupation before prison:
Earliest release date: 11/2024
Maximum release date: 11/21/2027
Would you like letters letters from both sexes? Yes (Question does not refer to sexual orientation)
Can you receive email? Yess
If yes which email service? jpay.com
Can you respond to email? Yes
Activities in prison:
Anything else?
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