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Rodney Brown 316976
Limestone Correctional Center
28779 Nick Davis Rd
Harvest, Alsbama 35749

Most men would come out with a pitch or catch phrase, sorry I’m not looking to give you a false sense of who I am or who I want to be. I’m excited it’s a New Year 2023, the year of movement and allowing myself to open up new paths of self-enlightenment and new life experiences.

I’m looking forward to meeting like minded individuals that want to grow and embrace all that the world has to offer. Chill vibes and good energy are a must. I know every day isn’t sunshine and roses but positive energy can turn a bad into such --- good friends can do that for one another.

If these sentiments agree with you or resonate with you on any level, feel free to connect with me on this new and exciting journey. Great journeys and new paths all begin the same way. The first step…there is no perfect person in this imperfect world but we can try and that is all I ask…

What I’m willing to give you is the chance to meet a loyal friend that understands it’s not just about listening, it’s also about hearing, which most friends don’t understand, if that makes sense. I’m also looking for a friend that will be willing to hear me as well…I want to get the chance to know you and you knowing me. I just want to understand who you are as a person.

I’m happy to say, I’m a down to earth person, very genuine and always down to share a laugh or two. I would give the shirt off my back if a friend needed it. If you'd like to contact me use the address listed above. Email me at JPay. Hopefully we could shed light on a beautiful new beginning. Take care and I hope this brought you something to look forward to!!!! Have a great day!!

Date of Birth: 11-29-91
Height: 6'3"
Education: College
Occupation before prison: U.S Army
Earliest release date: 2028
Maximum release date: 2036
Would you like letters from both sexes? Women
(This does not refer to sexual orientation)
Can you receive email: Yes
If yes, which service: Jpay
Can you respond to emails: Yes
Activities in prison: Welding,Reading and weight lifting
Anything else:

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