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Robert Garcia #BG6792
California Mens Colony
P.O. Box 8101
San Luis Obispo, California 93409

Your Search Is Over!

Yup! You guessed it. I’m a California State Prisoner. Lol. But despite what the courts convicted me of, I maintain my innocence. I’m telling you, “I was framed”! Lol….J/K Really though, I’m not proud of my criminal actions and am currently taking full advantage of the rehabilitation resources they offer me. I’m determined to turn this bad situation into the greatest learning experience of my life! And maybe with any luck, finding a great friend will add to my experience.

As you can see, I’m not too photogenic. Plus, I think my head is too big for my body lol. What do you think? Apart from looking like a bobo head, lol…..one good thing is that I was forced to develop a great personality to compensate for my funny looks, lol….which makes me an awesome friend to have.

I’m easy going, broad minded, empathetic, a very good listener, and I can definitely make you laugh and smile on those bad days.

So, if you really are serious about meeting a friend look no further. I’m right here. I can assure you that I will bring much joy, excitement, and positive energy among other great qualities that make for a healthy friendship. I offer a full refund if I fail to do lol….so don’t over think it! Just do it! Grab that pen and tell me everything. Tell me your favorite things, your qualities and flaws, your strengths and weaknesses, your likes and dislikes, and everything else. You will always have my full attention and utmost respect.

Hope to hear from you soon! 

Notice: If you write Robert via gtl.net email you must include your postal mailing address, or he will not be able to respond. He can receive emails but can only respond via postal mail.

Date of birth: 1/30/1980
Height: 5’7”     
Education: College         
Occupation before prison: Truck Driver      
Earliest release date: 12/9/2031     
Maximum release date: 1/8/2038  
Would you like letters from both sexes? Women
(Question does not refer to sexual orientation)
Can you receive email? Yes   
If yes which email service? Via gtl.net       
Can you respond to email? No. Please provide your mailing address so I can respond.
Activities in prison: Plumber, criminal gang anonymous, mindful kindness, Malachi
Anything Else? 

Notice: To verify all or some of the information given please click here