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Lorenzo Banks 384506
Coyote Ridge Correctional Center
P.O. Box 769
Connell, Washington 99326

It’s all about finding friends, building connections and nurturing bonds. I’m 6’4”, 225 lbs, and looking to connect with some positive energy to build with.
I’m currently enrolled in school and hoping to come home to a woman I can build with. I’m open to a friendship if no romantic sparks emerge.
I enjoy writing, poetry, music, reading, eating, sports, animals, traveling and I have an Entreprenuer background. I’ve owned 2 drop shipping companies since being in prison, but not any longer due to the support system. I’m financially literate and plan to be a credit consultant when I get out. I have a few skills and I’m resourceful so I have other ventures I want to pursue.
I’m laid back, ambitious, family oriented, God fearing, fun and love to laugh. I try to be patient, understanding and disciplined, plus I’m caring, consistent and a productive communicator. Prison has prepared me to thrive in most situations.
I hope to connect with authentic, nurturing and mindful people with good intentions. I’m excited to make an everlasting bond so take a chance on me and let’s grow and develop a genuine vibe.
I’m hoping to get to know you.

With love, Lorenzo Maurice Banks 384506

I am currently on email restriction, so leave your phone number and I'll call July 4th. Send me a video with your phone number being stated and I'll call or you can write me a letter. If you can do this, I'll be grateful.

Date of Birth: 6/2/1989
Height: 6'4"
Earliest Release Date:
Maximum Release Date:
Would you like letters from both sexes? Women
(This does not refer to sexual orientation)
Can you receive and send emails? Not at this time
Occupation before prison:
Activities in prison:
Anything Else?

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