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Joel Colding 651017
Saginaw CF
9625 Pierce Road
Freeland, Michigan 48623

Hello, my name is Joel. I am looking for a smart, spiritual, down to earth woman, open-minded, beautiful, and sexy. Morals, family oriented, and self respect are very important to me. I like to laugh and like for the same out of a woman. I am seeking friendship that can be built upon. Someone to explore this big old world with.

I am currently 34, without kids, and single. I have served 10 years for something that was a mistake in my judgment and was never how I was raised or taught. I am educated. I am very focused on my health, my body, and my piece of mind. I am a certified semi truck operator, as well as a fitness trainer. I enjoy working out, cooking new foods, and spending time with friends and family. I also have worked in construction to include welding experience. I am a serious man that is focused on on getting my goals accomplished and helping others in my family and circle.

I am open to meeting good new people that may share some of these attributes. If you would like to reach out I definitely have the time lol.

Date of Birth: 11-8-88
Height: 5'10"
Education: Jackson CC
Occupation before prison: Truck Driver
Earliest release date:
Maximum release date: 5/01/2042
Would you like letters from both sexes? Women
(This does not refer to sexual orientation)
Can you receive email: Yes
If yes, which service: JPay
Can you respond to emails: Yes
Activities in prison: Working out, Reading, and Writing.
Anything else:

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