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Eric Adamczewski 383141
15314 NE Dole Valley Rd
Yacolt, Washington 98675

What's good world, My name is Eric Adamczewski, or E for short. I'm 29 years old and from the Puget Sound area in Washington State. I'm gonna keep this short but sweet, I have been locked up for over 9 years, now that my time is coming within 6 months to my release I am interested in expanding my positive social network. I am energetic, social, and love to have a good time. I am half Polish hints the last name, but I have been a part of the Native circle, since I first got put behind razor wires. This has allowed me to tap into my cultural and spiritual ways.

I am a family event specialist at this facility which is rewarding. I get to participate in family strengthening activities. I love to learn and I believe that a belief in ourselves can give us the power to imagine and create anything. I've filled my time with learning experiences such as wildland fire fighting, barbering, welding, personal training, stocks, real estate, and my favorite which has been my biggest passion...."Art!" I love the culture of art, whether that is tattoo culture or just painting, it allows me to achieve a sense of meditation and self expression. If you love to be outside, you're probably a lot like me. Something about nature really captures me.

Date of Birth: 3-23-94
Height: 6'2"
Education: High school diploma, business math/accounting, ISSA Strength and Conditioning Certified
Occupation before prison: Barber, WildFire, general construction, metal fabricator/machinist, welder
Earliest release date:
Maximum release date:
Would you like letters from both sexes? Women
(This does not refer to sexual orientation)
Can you receive email: Yes
If yes, which service: Securus
Can you respond to emails: Yes
Activities in prison: Native Circle. Family Stregthening. woldland fire fighting, barbering, welding, personal training and Art
Anything else:
Love to be outdoors

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